SA102.5 Cavalier Cavalier SA102.5
Tip Tanks Windows behind the seat Eliminates tail dragger option Simplication of construction Landing gear mounting to make legs easier to make Nose gear mount to simplify engine mount construction Flaps changed from split to simple restyled stab and fin tips Fighter canopy with front hinge fiberglass frame Cruise speed of 145-150 MPH Climb rate of 800-1000 foot per minute

The original Cavalier (SA102) was a basic machine by

today’s standards, but proved the “Rod Nose Gear” could

be made to work. Modifications to the 102 created the

102.5 Cavalier. These modifications were:

Wing Span- 27’ 4” Wing Area- 117 sqft Aileron Area- 9.36 sqft Flap type- Simple reflex Flap Increments- 15,30,45,60 degrees DN, 12 up 10.80 sqft
Wing airfoil root- NACA 23115 Wing airfoil tip- NACA 23010 Weight gross- 1650 lbs Weight empty- 1067 lbs Engine and prop- 340-365 lbs
SA102.5 Cavalier  Specifications 816-405-0728                         •	Tip Tanks •	Windows behind the seat •	Eliminates tail dragger option •	Simplication of construction •	Landing gear mounting to make legs easier to make •	Nose gear mount to simplify engine mount construction •	Flaps changed from split to simple •	restyled stab and fin tips •	Fighter canopy with front hinge fiberglass frame •	Cruise speed of 145-150 MPH •	Climb rate of 800-1000 foot per minute     The original Cavalier (SA102) was a basic machine by  today’s standards, but proved the “Rod Nose Gear” could  be made to work.  Modifications to the 102 created the  102.5 Cavalier. These modifications were:
Wing Span- 27’ 4” Wing Area- 117 sqft Aileron Area- 9.36 sqft Flap type- Simple reflex Flap Increments- 15,30,45,60 degrees DN, 12 up 10.80 sqft Wing airfoil root- NACA 23115 Wing airfoil tip- NACA 23010 Weight gross- 1650 lbs Weight empty- 1067 lbs Engine and prop- 340-365 lbs